Possible Loss of Service

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Possible Loss of Service

Post: # 82637Post Crusty »

The hosting company we are using will be updating to a new Linux OS and MySQL and could possibly break the site.

In addition they are pulling a Microsoft on us. The existing package will no longer exist and I now have to "Upgrade" in order to keep things going. I'm not sure how this is going to go but I know they are going to push a much more expensive plan using the threat of losing the site.

I have no idea how this is going to play out but it might mean the site's days are numbered. I will keep you posted. I refuse to succumb to extortion.

And I have no idea if I will be passing the torch. The last thing I want is someone completely "modernizing" it (trashing). Not after 24 years of work and time.

They mention "migration" in their email but is unclear if I am going to have to do this or it will be done during the OS/MySQL upgrade.

Stay tuned.
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Re: Possible Loss of Service

Post: # 82638Post Crusty »

The archives have been updated to the latest version of Wordpress as well as all the plugins. I am assured the upcoming migration to the new OS will be transparent.

A recent update done by the hosting company rendered the forums inoperable. I was able to move them to a subdomain where this update is not in effect. I am still looking into ways to update the forums but am running into an issue with the conversion. I will keep working on it. If it turns out upgrading the forums is not possible I may have to archive the forums so all the previous information is not lost but this would mean no new posts or replies.

Should this happen is any regular member willing to help set up a new forum to move forward?
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