These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

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These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

Post: # 82789Post Crusty »

They go strictly by the Blue Book but often have no freaking idea what they are looking at or how to assess it's condition. I think the prerequisite for store ownership is you can read and tried to play bass.

First is what was ONCE a CS-250 but has since lost all it's original value due to the mods. Saddles are not stock and the tuners are not stock. Although they may be improvements it completely negates the originality of the guitar. ... -II-CS-250

Another that has been modified and originality lost thereby it's original value. Although the Schaller bridge is great it does negate originality which is where they are basing their asking price. ... NAL-SERIES

Another with the WRONG saddles installed and aftermarket bridge pickup. Again overpriced. ... GUITAR-70S

These dopes don't seem to understand the BB prices imply all original, not modified. Neither of these guitars are actually AP2 CS models any more. Not entirely, and not with regards to historical value either.
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Re: These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

Post: # 82792Post Barry »

All in all, they have been reasonably well cared for, but it does pain me to see bridges and tuners installed badly and crooked. :toopid:
I have always liked the trans blue Cardinal model. Perhaps one day...sigh.
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Re: These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

Post: # 82794Post Crusty »

What annoys me is they are pricing these guitars as if they were all original.

I'd love to have a trans blue as well. Just not at those prices. I currently have 3 CS-350s and a CS-250.
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Re: These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

Post: # 82796Post Wutz »

Got to love the saddles on the CS-350... has someone tried to intonate a guitar when the saddles are mounted with an angle? :o
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Re: These folks are a laugh, although rather painful

Post: # 82799Post Crusty »

I'm sure that's an adventure with them skewed like that. I've replaced them with Strat Plus saddles and longer height screws and that worked like a charm.
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