AP2 The Cat but not sure....

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AP2 The Cat but not sure....

Post: # 82680Post Crusty »

Not sure this is an Uncle Matt or very early (88) Korean.

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Re: AP2 The Cat but not sure....

Post: # 82681Post Jorg »

I seriously don't think "The Cat" models are Mat or at least not 100%.
I've seen a few but only owned one so, thats the only one I was able to dismantle and assess.
From my experience, the neck is awesome and compares very well to the rest of my Mat guitars in every aspect. The body, not so much.
That said, the body wasn't a piece of junk. It just wasn't at the same level as the neck. The shape is wrong, the routes are sloppy and it just sticks out to me. I can spot one even without seeing the neck.
Even though the serial starts with a 6, these do not say "Matsumoku" or "Made in Japan" anywhere.
I think they were an attempt to save money.
Long story but I still own the neck. Its on one of my favorite guitars. :D
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Re: AP2 The Cat but not sure....

Post: # 82682Post Crusty »

I did not see "Matsumoku" or "Made In Japan" on the neck plate which is why I wasn't too sure it was an uncle matt.
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