Have you ever wondered....

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Have you ever wondered....

Post: # 82469Post Crusty »

Have you ever wondered what this site would look like with ads? Here ya go! :-?

For about a day I considered ads but they were so ill-behaved and obtrusive I quickly changed my mind. I'd rather pay the bill as it's not near as painful as looking at all that garbage on the screen.

This screenshot is so laden with ad images my adblocker (U-Block Origin) even blocks the screenshot so you might have to momentarily disable your ad blocker. :rofl:

They're even stacked ON TOP of each other!!!! :x

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Re: Have you ever wondered....

Post: # 82472Post Corsair »

Good on you, mate! Yeah… just horrid, isn’t it…
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Re: Have you ever wondered....

Post: # 82473Post Barry »

What John said!
There's no bloody room left for actual content! :x
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Re: Have you ever wondered....

Post: # 82474Post Crusty »

And the video plays automatically and you can't run from it. It creates a PIP window on top of the content.

All that to push a paid subscription to the site. Never gonna happen. I just won't use it any more unless absolutely necessary.
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