Bridge Replacement: Aria Pro II CS-350
Bridge Replacement: Aria Pro II CS-350
In search of a bridge or two saddles for my Aria Pro II CS-350 guitar. If anyone knows where to buy these replacement parts, or if there are other parts that can fit, please let me know! Desperate to replace the two broken saddles and use this guitar again.
- Virtuoso
- Posts: 129
- Joined: Wed 05 Aug 2009 10:48 AM
- Location: NW Washington State
Re: Bridge Replacement: Aria Pro II CS-350
Crusty, our fearless leader, uses some Strat saddles with different setscrews. Here are some threads I found with search: ... les#p80742 ... les#p80175 ... les#p80623
-Steve W. ... les#p80742 ... les#p80175 ... les#p80623
-Steve W.
Re: Bridge Replacement: Aria Pro II CS-350
Thank you so much for pointing me to these links!
- Virtuoso
- Posts: 129
- Joined: Wed 05 Aug 2009 10:48 AM
- Location: NW Washington State
Re: Bridge Replacement: Aria Pro II CS-350
I have too many guitars, some worth a fair amount of money in today's market. My favorite to play everyday, because of the way it feels, light weight, and easy electronics mods, is a CS-350.
-Steve W.
-Steve W.