Rare ET-270 Variant Spotted

Posts pertaining to the Japanese Epiphone guitars. (no eBay links)
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Rare ET-270 Variant Spotted

#1 Post by Destroyer »

I was feeding my eBay addiction, when I came across this ET-270 with a rare (to my knowledge, anyway) Fender style headstock. Has anybody seen one of these before?

BTW, it sold for $147.00


#2 Post by SKEETER »

The pickups on that look like the pickups on Bruno MAxitone and Conquerors that I think were really Arias. They were 335 copies that were also sold as Univox.
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Big Beat
Power Chorder
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Joined: Fri 13 Jun 2003 11:25 PM

#3 Post by Big Beat »

Cool :)

This particular series was made by Aria, so obviously those are Aria pickups. These guitars were marketed under several differerent brands in addition to Epi, including Tempo and Maestro. I had one of each at various times. Both had the Strat-type head, only the Epi version was different. Other than the headstock shape and the "E" on the pickguard, all 3 were identical. They probably ran out of the Epi necks one day and made a few guitars using the necks meant for the Tempo or Maestro versions to fill Gibson's order.

#4 Post by Anonymous »

That guitar looks very familiar to me. When I was a very young I bought a new made in japan Epi strat style guitar with the strat style headstock. It must have been 1973 because I used it at a concert in my school that year. The pickups looked exactly like that but it had three pickups like a strat. I've often wondered about that guitar because I never saw one again.

As far as I remember it was a very good guitar, I still remember the price of the guitar but not all details about it! A friend bought a 1962 strat at the same time at the same price :o . A used Fender wasn't worth much back then.

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