Trem Stablizer

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Re: Trem Stablizer

Post: # 81014Post Jorg »

I love sharing that video. :D
Quality service since 3:00 last Tuesday
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Re: Trem Stablizer

Post: # 81024Post Wutz »

No, the AS-50 has a stoptail.

Thing is, I have an AS-80 made the same year (1980), that uses the more common Ibanez bridge with the anchor. The guitar has a completely different playing feel and attack when you play it.

My more recent comparison is not as decisive, as I compared a Fujigen made set neck solid body guitar in the 1500-2000 USD range to the same model in the 5000 USD range. The 5000 USD guitar didn't have the anchors, while the other one had. The difference between the two guitars was surprisingly big... to an extent, that it couldn't have been from the bridge mounting alone.
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