Another weekend at Don's place...

Member's current treasures, new acquisitions (NO eBay links though), and brags/blogs about their axes. (This replaces the defunct Visitor's Axes) All makes and models are welcome so long as they fall into the guidelines posted at the top of this forum.
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77447Post Wutz »

I usually like the more open sounding pickups (lots of my pickups aren't even potted for that reason). However, if the guitar is on the heavy side, the open sounding pickups don't work for me anymore. My favourite set for the Supra is a SH-14 in the bridge and a SH-1 in the neck position. Never tried the Distortion set from SD.
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77449Post Corsair »

Frankly, if I was ever tempted to use this onstage - and that is unlikely under just about any circumstance I could envisage! - I'd be inclined to put a premium set of p'ups in it, like Bareknuckle; either h/b or P90s. A local bloke has a set of B/N VHIIs in an Ibanez of some stripe, and they are beyond GOOD!
Allowing for the fact that Don wouldn't even roughly let me gig this, I'm too old and fat now to even countenance using a 5kg guitar around my neck for any length of time, eh; if I were to play out, Genesis II or Avenger 395 would be chosen, simply for the lack of heft involved... and because that Genesis is a beast!

Nice to see you, Pierre and Wutz!!
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77492Post Wutz »

Just stumbled on this one:
Supra group picture
Supra group picture
Aria_Pro_II_PE_SUPRA_collection-02.jpg (76.4 KiB) Viewed 932 times
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77493Post eyebulger »

Wutz wrote:Just stumbled on this one:
Very very nice :)
Just pack numbers 1,3 and 5 into durable boxes and send them straight to my house. :love:
I'll treat them with much love and kindness
You can never have too many guitars
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77496Post Jorg »

I reckon I'll take 2 and 4. . . :devil2:
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Re: Another weekend at Don's place...

Post: # 77497Post Wutz »

The picture was taken quite some time ago... number one is not with me anymore... but I have to admit that I found a replacement. :D

Number four is straying from the norm, as it sounds killer with the Classic Powers. I just never find the time and patience to clean the Kahler, so it's of no use right now.
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