CS - 250 saddles

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CS - 250 saddles

Post: # 80740Post Lingjr »

Hi, my name is Jan Scholing and I bought a CS-25 Cardinal in a terrible state and put some elbow grease in it, to make it nice again. This guitar is fitted with a Ray Bridge, but the saddles are missing...
Can anybody help me on locating these?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: CS - 250 saddles

Post: # 80741Post Jorg »

Welcome Jan!
The fact the saddles are missing might just be a blessing in disguise, they're notorious for breaking.
You'll need something like this to put it back together. https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256803770 ... 4itemAdapt
Of course, they don't have to be brass but they do need to be offset.
These were just the first I found when searching and they actually look pretty good.
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Re: CS - 250 saddles

Post: # 80742Post Crusty »

I agree with Jorg. The Ray Bridge saddles were the Achilles heel of that style bridge. If you do find the original saddles they are almost always in poor shape and wayyyy overpriced.

I've restored a handful of the CS and used the offset saddles as mentioned. You will likely have to replace the height set screws with taller ones as well as the saddles have to come up quite a ways compared to the original saddles. You might even find one saddle teetering on a single set screw thread. The first time I used the Strat saddles I was lucky to have a nut and bolt store nearby but have since found them online quite a few places.

Here are the updated links I posted in another thread about this issue some time back.

https://www.amazon.com/Fender-American- ... ref=sr_1_1

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Re: CS - 250 saddles

Post: # 80743Post Jorg »

Wow, I completely forgot about the height difference. . . :doh:
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